Why Give?

Invest in Potential Today, Create Change for the Future

The first 2000 days are critical. A child has about 2,000 days between birth and the start of kindergarten. We know that during this time in a child’s life, the brain grows to 90% of its adult size and children are eager and ready to learn; therefore, their access to high-quality health care and learning environments is crucial to their early development. 

Spark reinforces this crucial period of child development by modeling the best behaviors that are important for a child to absorb. From exposure to language and reading, colors, and teaching social behaviors among other children, our students participate in learning experiences at every moment while at Spark Academy. Whether our students are inside the classroom, indoor play area, or outside in our nature playground, they are constantly stimulated in an engaging way that makes their early development exciting. Students build a connection to their sense of self, connection with others, and the environment at large.

Together, Spark's teachers, caregivers, and parents can invest in our students' potential for the future. Our emphasis on early education is here to create the leaders of our future community. Help us by investing in our students – tomorrow's leaders will ingite a brighter future for the world.

Why consider donating to Spark Academy?

Benefits For Families

Helps parents to work and attend school

Provides a safe setting for children

Helps children to be better prepared for school

Having a good early childhood education experience helps children to be successful in language, math and social skills once they enter public school matters greatly.


Research tells us that investing in early learning benefits children, families and society.

The availability of early education programs attracts homebuyers and increases property values by $13 for every dollar invested.

A lack of childcare costs businesses $4.4b annually due to employee absences.

Children who attend higher quality programs enter kindergarten ready to learn, live healthier lives, are LESS likely to repeat a grade, and are MORE likely to graduate from high school.

A focus on birth to five lowers rates of chronic disease and lowers health care costs.

Children from low-income families often have access to lower quality programs only.

Research shows that early intervention is essential for a child's future. According to The Hunt Institute's Report, Strong Foundations, “Children's early learning experiences lay the foundation for their success in school and in life. Over the past decade, research has repeatedly demonstrated the importance of high-quality early childhood experiences for the social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children. Science tells us that young children's brains develop more rapidly during the years prior to kindergarten entry than at any other time. Additionally, research has revealed the importance of high-quality early childhood for children's short and long-term academic, social and professional success.”

According to research by Harvard University and the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education, early intervention and resilience significantly expand a child's success and opportunity when entering grade school. This unique facility and its services will provide a foundation for addressing and reversing the opportunity gap in a significant way.

Spark is approaching the opportunity and achievement gaps with creativity, innovation and partnerships to drive real change in New Hanover County.

1802 S. 17th St. Wilmington NC, 28401
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